Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Fallen Son

You once spoke the Word with anointing, power, and authority in prayer. Your gift to do battle in the spirit was given by His Spirit. Your heart was tender, your mind renewed, you walked adorned with the full armor, a shining warrior not knowing defeat! Your gift(s) filled you above your boundaries. Hearts were moved minds renewed by His Word passing through your lips. You kissed His feet He renewed your strength. Your love for Him was likened to David’s you danced before the Lord, your heart, your lips filled with praise!

Where is His shining warrior now? As in the garden He seeks you early in the cool of the morning and you are not to be found. He longs to empower your prayers. He looks for your tender humble heart. You are not to be found like the prodigal son you have embraced your inheritance to throw before the dogs. Your gift given to the swine, your heart is hardened and grows cold. Jezebel seduces you Pride embraces you. You rise up the standard of new gods and your actions reject Him. His heart is broken. Is it your hands that thrust the spear into His side? Why do you now reject Him?

Your breastplate pierced in battle, your helmet dashed to the ground. Where is the shining Sword you wield? Who shoe’s your feet now? You the beloved son defeated in battle. You run to the hills hidden in a cave to lick your wounds as a dog. Pride fills the temple. Humility has hidden its face from you. Eyes blind, ears cut away, once a warrior sounding the battle cry, now given to the depths of the earth, hidden to pine away. How His heart cries out to you! How He longs to embrace you once again! Beyond despair you must go, deep into the sea of despond you are.

Fall upon your knees, lay prostrate before Him. He longs to be glorified in your restoration. His heart pangs are felt throughout His body. All of its members weep. Travail they do in mourning they are. Return, return, return is their cry! Restore the priesthood of the home. Teach your children of His loving mercies that they may know His abounding grace! Look no more into yourself. Deny your fleshly desires. Humility, humility, humility brings you again to His feet. A time of restoration fill His hands showing before your face.

Your steed has thrown you now captured by the enemy. Grab your bridle, regain your mount. Lay you armor before the Smith, plunge the Sword into the Fire. Temper and polish shall restore your armor; humility will restore your gift. Increased, increased, increased your gift shall be. Throw your saddle across his back, bridled in full armor, nostrils flaring, pawing at the earth waiting for your leg to throw over his spine. Don your armor in His glory you will shine once more. Sound the shofar let the enemy tremble. His son has returned. The barley abib, ripe for the taking. Now, now, now is the time speak the Word of the Lord ever watchful of the enemy’s campaigns. Wielding His Sword once more proclaim there is no defeat. Early you will seek Him, daily He will renew you, ever guarding the precious gifts in your home.

You kiss her head she blesses you. Place your hands upon your children’s heads teach them the ways of the Lord, He will never depart from them. In this your battle begins. In this He shall strengthen you. He longs for His warrior to be restored. Do not proclaim defeat. Not every battle is won. Perfection is not wrought in the battle, but rather claimed in victory at the End of the war. He is the Alpha and Omega the Beginning and the End!

You are a beloved son! Warrior son rise up!

Return, return, return!

In Christ Jesus name return.

~ Pastor Dan Goddard ~

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